CR 5059 leads a southbound commuter train at Nelson Blvd. in Brewster, NY. on Dec. 29, 1980. The 5059 is origionally New Haven 2059, the last FL-9 and last "F" unit built by EMD. When Metro-North took ownership of the 5059 it was renumbered 2033. The Railroad Museum of New England expressed a great interest to Metro-North back in the mid 80's in obtaining the 2059/5059 when it was retired and the unit arrived at the museum a few years ago.
Photo Date
Photo Location Name
Nelson Blvd.
Conrail Road Number
Post Conrail Owner(s)
Metro North
Post Conrail Road Number(s)
Submitted by CRHS Admin on Sat, 09/26/2020 - 23:20