This PIED-4X, the last Conway - Edgemoor train, rolls southbound on the Chester Secondary through Wanamaker Yard at 2:14PM. Conrail would soon reroute traffic and run the SCAL/ALSC combo between Allentown and Stoney Creek. The Edgemoor traffic would then be moved via local out the Linwood Branch to AMTRAK at Hook interlocking. This move was short lived as by February 1994 Conrail had reinstated the EDPI/PIED. The train was 21 x 24 for 3,388 tons. Trailing engine is CR C40-8W 6194.
Photo Date
Photo Location Name
CR Chester Secondary
Conrail Road Number
General Electric
Post Conrail Owner(s)
Post Conrail Road Number(s)
Submitted by CRHS Admin on Sat, 09/26/2020 - 23:20